Staying Motivated… Thoughts

Goodmorning from North Carolina!

I know I haven’t posted anything acting-related in the past few months. I am posting this because I have noticed my blog has gained some momentum in terms of followers. I want you all to know that I have been taking time for myself recently. As a young woman who is figuring out the ups and downs of life, it is so easy to get caught up in school/work and life itself.

I would love to hear anyone’s opinion on what I am about to say. If you would like, you can contact me directly at

We as people tend to find many things we enjoy over time. From small hobbies to extreme passions, we are creatures that excell in dedicating our lives to the lifestyles and work we love (not always unfortunately.) To do anything in life, you have to have passion. Whether it is music, acting, dance, or art, it is so easy to feel like you want to quit, especially when things are hard. This is why it is so important to have a strong support system around you, to keep you on track when you want to swerve off the path. Do you think it is necessary for people to completely and fully devote themselves to their job and passion? I had a friend who understands this dream of mine, to commit and study acting. He came up to me and asked, “What are you still doing here in North Carolina? If you are an actor, why are you here? Why are you working 4 days a week at your job and going to school for a degree you don’t love?”

I know he was being very blunt, but his questions hit home with me. They made me feel as if I have been wasting time finishing up college when I could be committing myself to audition after audition in NYC or LA. Which, I still feel like I should.

Overall, I am really trying to figure everything out even though everything feels so clouded and unclear. Maybe I am way too hard on myself. Maybe my expectations are too high for myself. But, I truly have a hard time committing myself to something I know I could be doing a lot better if I was somewhere else. ……. The interesting part is as I just typed that, I realize how ridiculous it sounds. If I am finishing up college and then planning to move to a larger city with more opportunity, I should continue my study of acting and this blog. Because it is all I have right now, and if I truly care about the craft of acting, I will sit my ass down in my school library and continue to read Stanslavski.

Regardless, Thank you for the follow, and I hope I can continue to spread insight into different acting teachers etc.

PS – I just got my computer fixed, so there will be more post soon 🙂